About Us

Our Vision

Advance the interest and well-being of Somali families in the DFW.

Our Mission

Provide dignified funeral service to deceased Somali community members and empower the Somali youth to discover their potential by facilitating leadership development skills and recreational activities.

Our Story

In the spring of 2016, some members of the current SRC board visited a sick child in Cook’s children hospital in Fort Worth Texas from the community. Shortly during the visit the child died and the family was asked to prepare for a burial. Unfortunately, the family was a recent refugee arrival from Somalia and they had no idea where to bury their child let alone having the burial expense.

We held a crisis meeting in the hallway of the hospital of how we can help the family meet the burial expense. We sadly realized that none of us had the capacity to pay for the burial for future reimbursement by the community. It was during this crisis meeting that a Sister volunteered to pay for the expense for reimbursement. Our sister saved the day and the grace of the community.

In the days that followed we set up a go fund page for the deceased to reimburse our sister, with the help of the community we raised more than twice the amount required for the burial. The balance from the burial became the beginning of the foundation of the Somali Funeral fund . A voluntary committee composed of 11 members was formed to manage the funds and organize a fundraising in December 2016.

Alhamdulillah, the fundraising in December was successful and the committee became more energized and motivated by the outpouring support from the community and the need to create a strong Somali Funeral fund program.

Since then, multiple fundraising programs have been organized for Somali funeral fund. The Somali community today has a very well organized and up to task committee that ensures that their deceased from the community are given dignified Islamic burial.

The Somali Funeral fund has organized and successfully paid burial expenses for over 20(twenty) deceased members of the community since it was launch in the spring of 2016.